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Return Home To Your Heart:

And Radiate Love!

It is my soul's purpose to guide you back home to your true self.

The time has come for you to awaken to the beauty of your life by discovering the beauty of your soul's journey.

Your connection to your soul— your heart is the key to understanding the power your human life holds and how your journey here on Earth has been uniquely designed to help you discover your life's purpose.

as seen in


Everything in life happens for a good reason. We are connected because you have been guided to get to the source of your life's biggest struggles. You are ready to be shown the true purpose of them and dissolve what separates you from feeling happy, healthy, and content.

You are a beautiful


When you truly believe that about yourself, you are on top of the world. You dive into your heartfelt dreams and anything becomes possible!

The times you have felt not enough, unlovable, and broken inside, they have happened for a important reason. These experiences have led you to my work and are your opportunity to learn very important soul lessons.

You don’t have to continue to live inside your frustration, shame, and pain. Your life isn’t suppose to be hard all the time, and you're not meant to try to prove to yourself or others that you are worth it.

Life is about learning from your experiences and through your hardships discovering how to love who you are and reclaim the power you hold to create your reality.


living a life created by you

As your mentor, I will hold a sacred and safe space for you to look deeper into your past, shift the way you understand things that have caused you pain and support you to let go of the judgements and fears that separate you from your heart.

I believe you are worthy of shinning, and when you give yourself permission to deepen your self love, a whole new world opens up.



guide you...

To the source of your pain, overwhelm, and anxiety and align you with beauty of your soul so your heart lights up, your power turns back on, and you create a life you love.

With my unique capacity for sensing and understanding the feelings of others as well as the ability to feel and communicate unseen world each experience with me is very personalized.


When you step into being an empowered soul, you truly love who you are. You feel whole, complete and authentically you. You dance with life and your big visions naturally become your reality.

You live life by

your divine design!

You are here on this journey to be your brilliant self! Living Life by Design is a bespoke experience with four 6-month mastery level phases.


When you love who you are and have the confidence to stand in your power you can handle whatever life brings you. Learn how with Empowered Soul.


Take your Life Design Quiz Now! Wouldn't you like to find out if you ready to activate your Divine Life Design? I know you are ready for this!



"I feel very fortunate to be a part of Elizabeth’s Living Life by Design coaching program. Anyone who has had her Empowered Soul sessions knows the value of her work. For me, Elizabeth’s Empowered Soul series provided much desired soul guidance - helping me break through old patterns that were not serving me anymore, allowing me to gain a broader perspective on my life, and freeing my mind to dream bigger dreams.

The Transcendence program guided me to define myself in new ways - gaining courage, confidence, deeper understanding of my innate value, and other qualities my Soul wanted me to see. There is plenty that separates her work from other healers - the most important element for me is her communication with her own and my host of guides which informs the sessions, giving insight into what is best for me now."

Third level mastery Living Life by Design Student,
Entrepreneur, pianist, and Sound Healer

“Working with Elizabeth Tripp is truly life changing! I’ve been working with Elizabeth for a three and half years now and I’ve experienced tremendous shifts in my personal life and career trajectory. She’s helped me to clearly identify past ideas and beliefs that have been holding me back from living my life at my fullest potential. I’ve embarked on a path that I had desperately wanted to previously, but had been holding back on pursuing for reasons that I could not identify. After working through many obstacles, I am feeling calm and confident now in moving forward.

I’m happy to say that I’m making immense progress, every single day, and see how all of the lessons I’ve learned are tying together and knitting my beautiful life tapestry that she and I have discussed. Elizabeth provides you with a toolkit that, if you choose to use, can unlock any door to a path you are interested in exploring.”

Third level mastery Living Life by Design Student
A visionary, vegan restaurant owner in NYC and Catalyst for Well-being

Find out if you are ready to activate your

Divine Life


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